The founders of the Accademia coined the term Fisiocritici from a fusion of the Greek words physis (nature) and criticos (judge). The meaning (critical scholars of nature) was intended to express the mission of the Accademia, namely the search for truth in the study of natural phenomena. The touchstone for distinguishing precious metals from imitations was chosen as emblem and still appears in the logo.



The founders of the Accademia coined the term Fisiocritici from a fusion of the Greek words physis (nature) and kritikoi (able to judge). The meaning (critical scholars of nature) was intended to express the mission of the Accademia, namely the search for truth in the study of natural phenomena.  The touchstone for distinguishing precious metals from imitations was chosen as emblem and still appears in the logo.

ACCADEMIA FISIOCRITICI 2 righe orizzontale bianco

   Piazzetta Silvio Gigli 2

   53100  Siena

   (+39) 0577 47002

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