The Anatomia universa (1823-1831) is an atlas for medical students that Paolo Mascagni prepared over a period of about 30 years. This unique work contains 44 plates illustrating all parts of the human body in life size. The plates of a precious edition in colour are shown on the walls of the room in their nineteenth century walnut frames.

Anatomia universa


The Anatomia universa (1823-1831) is an atlas for medical students that Paolo Mascagni prepared over a period of about 30 years. This unique work contains 44 plates illustrating all parts of the human body in life size. The plates of a precious edition in colour are shown on the walls of the room in their nineteenth century walnut frames.


The Museum specimens require constant maintenance to prevent damage by air, light and microorganisms. You can contribute to their conservation by “adopting” them.


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