This collection includes a small number of Italian amphibians and various European and exotic reptiles, stuffed or in spirit. A nineteenth century cylinder contains a series of tadpoles at different stages of growth, illustrating the larval development of frogs, from eggs to adulthood. Exotic species include a radiated tortoise shell from Madagascar, a python skeleton and stuffed specimens of chameleon, monitor lizards, boa, pythons and crocodilians.

Amphibians and reptiles


This collection includes a small number of Italian amphibians and various European and exotic reptiles, stuffed or in spirit. A nineteenth century cylinder contains a series of tadpoles at different stages of growth, illustrating the larval development of frogs, from eggs to adulthood. Exotic species include a radiated tortoise shell from Madagascar, a python skeleton and stuffed specimens of chameleon, monitor lizards, boa, pythons and crocodilians.


The Museum specimens require constant maintenance to prevent damage by air, light and microorganisms. You can contribute to their conservation by “adopting” them.


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