
Con i piedi per terra - un viaggio tra terra e cielo
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"Con i piedi per terra: un viaggio tra terra e cielo" is the title of the documentary that will be presented on November 5, 2018 at the Academy of Fisiocritici at 4.30 pm. The film, which received a special Legambiente Mention at the Cinemambiente Festival 2017 in Turin, tells stories of sustainable agriculture and sense of belonging to the land through interviews and testimonies of people throughout Italy who today, in their daily life, have a renewed relationship with the earth: organic farmers, breeders, artisans, researchers, doctors, university professors.

The documentary is a production of "Radici nel cielo" directed by Andrea Pierdicca and Nicolò Vivarelli with original music by Enzo Monteverde and scientific advice by Andrea Lill.

The initiative is organized by the Academy of Fisiocritici in collaboration with the Agricultural Institute "B. Ricasoli" of Siena, the Institute of Higher Education "A. Vegni" of Capezzine (Cortona, Arezzo) and the patronage of Italia nostra.




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