
Cantiere Patrimonio - Siena Art Institute
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On Friday 7 December the Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Accademia dei Fisiocritici will host the final exhibition of the project "Cantiere Patrimonio - forms and materials for the new generations, from idea to production": a year of initiatives aimed at enhancing the vast heritage of the Museum through the involvement of Sienese designers, artists and artisans, citizens and students of all ages.
"Cantiere Patrimonio" is promoted by the Siena Art Institute in collaboration with the Museum of Natural History of the Academy of Fisiocritici and with many Sienese organizations that have been able to involve creatives and citizens of all ages: from the University of Siena, with the Santa Chiara Lab and the Department of Physical Sciences, the Earth and the Environment, the IIS Enea Silvio Piccolomini, the Contrada della Tartuca, the Fattoria Sociale la Mattonaia and the Associazione Riabilita Onlus. The project was realized with the contribution of the Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena.

Between photography, digital multimedia, ceramics and goldsmith art, design, writing, drawing and painting, there are many interventions made by creative professionals or amateurs who in recent months have entered into dialogue with the museum's historical collections. The works create a path that guides the visitor to discover the showcases, halls and corridors of the Museum, inviting them to observe and creatively rework the heritage of forms and identity symbols that it preserves.

The event, preceded by a performance to be held in front of the Museum (from 15.30 to 16.00), will open with a presentation of the Cantiere Patrimonio project (from 16.15). The presentation will be followed by an aperitif offered free to the public and a visit to the exhibition.


Museum of Natural History of the Academy of Fisiocritici
Piazzetta Silvio Gigli, 2, Siena
from 7 to 21 December

ACCADEMIA FISIOCRITICI 2 righe orizzontale bianco

   Piazzetta Silvio Gigli 2

   53100  Siena

   (+39) 0577 47002


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