Dal 18 settembre al 14 ottobre il Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Accademia dei Fisiocritici ospiterà la mostra Endangered Pieces di Jono Nussbaum, artista e designer di Londra residente in Toscana da oltre 16 anni.
Le sue creazioni sono ispirate dalla passione per gli animali e le scienze naturali che reinterpreta, attraverso l'uso di materiali di provenienza locale, in forma di mobili e sculture utilizzabili nella vita di tutti i giorni.
Jono grew up in London, but has always been a keen observer of the natural world: “I started drawing animals and insects when I was very young and basically never stopped; the complexity of nature continues to challenge and inspire me.” After studying Art and Design at Chelsea School of Art and Kingston University he moved to rural Italy in 2003. The fascinating ecosystems of the Monte Amiata, evolving on his doorstep, and the abundance of wildlife in his Tuscan back yard provide the building blocks of his creative vision—forging a bridge between art and science, nature and craft.
"What you make from a tree should be at least as miraculous as what you cut down."
(Richard Powers)
Nature is a vast interconnected puzzle—that dense, exhilirating network of organisms and ecosystems that sustains life on earth—but the intimate connection between ourselves and the natural world is all too easily overlooked. In our Anthropocene Era it is often hard to connect the dots, to relate our personal micro to the cosmic macro: we try to figure it out, make the pieces fit. Untangle the nodes of the web. But the world changes faster than we care to know: evaporating, disappearing, melting. Endangered.
Endangered Pieces is an attempt to capture and celebrate pieces of our natural puzzle, fix them in time, give enduring form to their essence. Shapes and textures, lines and colours, creatures and movement: each object aspires to the irreducible elegance of nature.
Wood is our modern world’s most utilized natural resource. Wood: medium, vehicle, conduit for artistic visions; worked and wielded by craftsmen, artisans and alchemists alike. In these pieces wood becomes a language: it speaks in telluric tongues. Unlocking our ancient earth, reminding us of nature’s crafty beauty. Hidden in plain sight before our very eyes—naturally.